Thursday, March 22, 2012

PHFR ~ {change of season}

{ Pretty }

Slowly but surely Spring is starting to show her colors. One of my favorite plants is the Forsythia. A riot of crazy color that seems to just burst forth from nothing.

{ Happy }

Our bluebirds are back feathering their nest and the whole family is ecstatic! We need to go to the bird store and get them some meal worms. What a beautiful start to Spring.

{ Real Fun }

Nothing is more real than potty training. My 20-month old, Max, was pulling at his diaper and then ran to the bathroom. So. Slowly but surely, we are becoming friends with the potty. Thank goodness for wonderful things like "Elmo's Potty Book". (He has yet to tell me BEFORE he goes in his diaper, but at least he is becoming aware, right?) And it's funny, because I hope that he will transition to other potties even if we don't have the Elmo book.....
{ Real }

We visited my dear friend Carol and her family this weekend for their St. Patrick's Day party. And by party, I mean a-time-filled-with-delicious-food-and-homemade-brew-and-family-and-friends. I've realized that it is the kind of party that I've always thought that I have, but no. These people ate almost everything. Here in the south, it's like people eat before they come over.... Still, that aside, the two men above are two of the sweetest, most wonderful men ever. AND. They make delicious food. Homemade pizza on Friday, and corned beef on Saturday (and then made into hash on Sunday). Good times. Real food. Real people. Real love. It was hard to leave our friendmily and come home to real life. :)

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