{ pretty }
Fragrant greenery, candles aglow, chicken soup, cheddar biscuits, wine, Magnifikid, Advent with the Saints.....all make for a pretty winter table.
{ happy }
My lovely Christmas cactus in bloom. This makes me happy since it is an off-shoot from my Grandma Krystofik's plant. She passed away on Christmas Day in 1996, and I miss her so. But traditions and family and memories....beautiful.
{ funny }
So I'm thinking that I need to actually strap Max in?! oops.
He was DONE with his breakfast. There is no arguing that.
{ real }
Oh how this makes growing up seem so... real. While I am excited that Max is reaching milestones, I just cannot believe that he is old enough to drink from a cup with no lid and also feed himself. (I miss my baby already.)
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