Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Keeping time...

     On Monday, I gave thanks for this clock. It is one that was always ticking, chiming, and keeping time in my Grammie and Grandpa Olenick's home. Whenever there was a house full of people, it would sometimes be stopped at night if my husband Tom or my uncle Dee slept in the room. (Tom says that the ticking became like a bomb going off in his head as he was trying to sleep. A little sensitive at times.) But usually, it created a soothing background sound.  Whenever there was a settling down in the late afternoon for naps. For reading. For a game of Bird Lotto or dominoes... the clock was there...
     When my dad handed it to me, instructing me on how to care for it, my heart was at once saddened and yet joy-filled. For I now have this clock because my grandparents are gone. I no longer hear Grammie's laughter or Grandpa's quiet voice asking if I want to help pick tomatoes or come and see the squash. And yet!  I am so incredibly grateful that I now have this clock... Keeping time. Chiming. Reminding me always of my grandparents. It has become a reassuring sound in my home.
     And oh, how grateful I am that I belong to a faith that believes in the Resurrection of the Body. That believes in an after-life. Memories of my grandparents help to alleviate the sorrow some. For when I smell those tomato plants, grumble about the voles, or yes, hear this clock, the connectedness that we share in our faith allow them to remain close...
     So I keep time. Grateful for every crumb-filled, laundry-pile-up, baby-crawling, dishes-in-the-sink minute. For I know that time is fleeting. And I don't want to miss a second of it...

Joining in at Ann's place today.....


  1. Oh my how I relate... I am typing with tears. My oldest will be a senior this year and while I reflect on the joy of his life, I am painfully aware of all the "minutes" I wasted, regretted, wished-away... Thank God for grace. Hold them close, enjoy each moment for what it is; a gift!

    P.S. found you over at Ann's, thanks for sharing

  2. What a wonderful reminder of your grandparents, Mary Jo. Not only to remind you of them, but to remind you to cherish each moment of your life.

  3. Time is so precious! What a great truth the resurrection is--I look forward to seeing my own grandparents one day too. Blessings on your day!

  4. Thank you for the reminder that time is so precious. May we always use it for God's glory. This was a sweet tribute to your grandparents. What a blessed reunion we will all have one day with our loved ones!

  5. This was such a sweet tribute and an inspiration.


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