Monday, May 9, 2011

Multitudes on Mondays ~ mother's especially!

     What an incredible weekend! We spent time with family in the wonderful mountains of Virginia...and enjoyed Mother's Day with a Strawberry Festival and Cirque du Soleil. *Insert comment here about EVERY day being a circus when you are a mom...* Good food, great company, and love all around. Here are a few things that I am grateful for today:

88~ laughter and silliness in a car filled with 6 people..for a 3 hour trip. And back.
89~ snuggling with my honey as he drove (see #88)
90~did I mention that we have an Impala, not an SUV? Hmm. So. Patience and GOOD MUSIC, also.
91~ having a sister-in-law who is willing to help you to dye your hair
92~ Mudslides
93~ Fresh strawberry daiquiris
94 ~ genuine laughter
95 ~ Outdoor strawberry festival

Joe and Zack completing the obstacle course
96 ~ a bald baby who is able to go anywhere and just play

97 ~ silly cousin time

Zack, Joe, and Linsday

98 ~ sweet Lindsay ~ who loves pink

99~ magnolia trees that allow boys to climb them

The red blobs up top are Joe and Zack

100 ~ hidden blue eggs in a nest

101 ~  a husband who is loving...and adores his nieces and nephews

Tom and Lindsay (love her expression)
102 ~ Godmothers
Julie and Max (and Linds, too)
103 ~ breakfast made my my brother-in-law, Geoff
104~ a day at the theater to see Cirque du Soleil ~ Alegria
105 ~ sweet notes from my sisters and mom for when I returned home
106 ~ beautifully written card from Whitney...
107 ~ hugs and visit with my roomie from college, Kristie
108 ~ remembering college
109 ~ Kristie's laughter and generous heart
110 ~ helping Joe to start a new puzzle
111 ~ snuggling with Max as he drinks his last bottle


  1. Looks like fun! I love the new header :)

  2. What a wonderful adventure! It looks like such fun :) How special for the children to find a birds nest with eggs in it. You are building wonderful memories for your family.

  3. Birds nests....there was always something incredible about finding a bird's nest for me as a child. Sounds like you have a close knit family. You are blessed.


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